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:: Volume 14, Issue 53 (spring 2023) ::
مطالعات تفسیری 2023, 14(53): 117-136 Back to browse issues page
An Analytical and Critical Study of Commentators' Opinions about "Auhan ul-Buyut" under the Verse 41 of Surah Ankabut and Its Comparison with Empirical Science.
Ali Saberi *1 , Mohammad Javad Tawakkoli Khaniki2
1- , Alisaubery@gmail.com
2- University of Holy Quran Sciences and Education
Abstract:   (1023 Views)
The Holy Quran has included various analogies for human education; In the verse 41 of Surah Ankabut, taking the governorship of someone other than God has been likened to the laziness of a spider's house. Nowadays, bulletproof vests are made from spider webs, which shows the strength of this delicate thread. About the why of such likening, some has attributed the expression "Auhan ul-Buyut" to the spider family and some to the spider's web. The current research is organized with the aim of reading the commentators' point of view using analytical-descriptive method. The result is that: firstly, the verb "Ittakhzat" refers to the female spider that builds the house, and "bayt" refers to her pair that form a family together; But after pregnancy, the woman eats her placenta and the family is destroyed. Therefore, "auhan" is a description of the family, not a description of the cobweb; Because cobweb cannot play the role of a house. This concept is about the choice of someone other than God as a guardian, and when their interests disappear, their sum will disappear. Secondly, empirical science considers spider web as one of the strongest structures. A species of spider does not spin a web, so the web is not a spider's house, but it is used for purposes such as seizing, hunting, making cover rooms, and makes a hiding place like a tunnel for comfort, hibernation, and reproduction. Thirdly, the polytheist places ma siw allah in the position of God, but it cannot accept a minimal role. So the problem does not lie in the nature of something, that is spider's web! Rather, it refers to its role!
Article number: 6
Keywords: Verse 41 of Surah Ankabut, Bayt, Auhan al-Boyut, Spider's Web.
Full-Text [PDF 308 kb]   (432 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/05/29 | Accepted: 2023/03/13 | Published: 2023/10/10
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Saberi A, Tawakkoli Khaniki M J. An Analytical and Critical Study of Commentators' Opinions about "Auhan ul-Buyut" under the Verse 41 of Surah Ankabut and Its Comparison with Empirical Science.. مطالعات تفسیری 2023; 14 (53) : 6
URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2607-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 53 (spring 2023) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی مطالعات تفسیری Journal of The Holy Quran And Islamic Texts
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