1- Islamic Theories from Islamic M’arif University , eshragh.sarda@gmail.com 2- Islamic M’arif Department from Iran University of Science and Technology
Abstract: (3775 Views)
Two stages of death and revival are mentioned in verse 11 of surah al-Qafir. Fariqain’s commentators and theologians have disagreement with each other and proposed different viewpoints. Eight viewpoints have been proposed in this regard among which only two of them are based on context. Based on the context of the verses and due to the whole of the Quran verses it is concluded that this verse does not seek to state all stages of human death and life from the beginning to the end but as unbelievers confess, the two deaths refer to death from mundane world to purgatory and death from purgatory to the day of blowing the trumpet and the two revivals refer to revival in purgatory or purgatory life and revival in resurrection day after the second blowing of the trumpet. Therefore, based on the above verse, the stages of death and revival are as follows: death from mundane world, revival in purgatory and start of purgatory life, death from purgatory life at the time of the first blowing of the trumpet, and revival in resurrection day at the time of the second blowing of the trumpet.
Rajabi A, Nasiri A. A Commentary Study of the Stages of Death and Revival Based on Verse 11 of Al-Qafir. مطالعات تفسیری 2016; 7 (27) :159-180 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-368-en.html