1- Doctoral student in Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran 2- Assistant Professor of Quran and Jurisprudence Department, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran , majilian@shirazu.ac.ir
Abstract: (164 Views)
In determining the exception of me "Ella" in the fourth verse of Surah Momtahna: ﴿ Ela Qol Ibrahim Labiyyah Lastgafarn Lak ﴾, three aspects have been said: "The exception connected and excluded from Me, being a miser";"My interrupted and excluded exception, looking for an ax";"Interrupted exception, the sentence that is protested and excluded from me, referring to the time of axing".In this research, which was conducted with an analytical-critical approach, the authors chose the third aspect while examining and criticizing the evidence of each of the three aspects.According to the results of the research, Ibrahim's relationship with his uncle Azar had two stages;The stage before the definitive explanation of disbelief and the stage after the definitive explanation of disbelief.The axing of Abraham (pbuh) from his unbelieving uncle is in the last stage and it is obtained from the sentence "Iz qalowa lqumeh eenna baraua minkum wa mamma ta'abdoun min doon-e-Allah".On the other hand, in the stage before the definitive explanation of disbelief, seeking forgiveness for the disbeliever is not only permissible, it is a duty, and it is not permissible to ax them;As Abraham (pbuh), when he hoped for his uncle's guidance and return from disbelief, he promised him forgiveness.The exception in Surah Momtahnah also refers to this time, and according to the meaning of the verse, others are no different from Abraham (pbuh) and they can seek forgiveness from him for the unbelievers who hope to be guided by them - family or non-family -doBased on this, Abraham (pbuh) in all his actions, including asking for forgiveness for his unbelieving uncle, is a model for humanity.
Lohrasbi Dashtaki H, Ajilian Mafogh M M. Re-reading the explanatory aspects of the exception regarding Ibrahim (AS) in the fourth verse of Surah Momtahnah. مطالعات تفسیری 2024; 15 (58) :115-136 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-3126-en.html