In the interpretation of the opening verse of Surah al-Fath, fariqain commentators have encountered four basic ambiguities in the meaning of: fath/victory, dhanb/sin, ghufrani dhanb/forgiveness of sin and the quality of the connection between fath, mentioned at the beginning of the verse, and ghufrani dhanb. Despite their great interpretative efforts, in most cases, they have not been able to establish a meaningful and reasonable connection between the "fath" and the following" ghufrani dhanb". In this article, an attempt has been made to explain the connection between these two by analytical and inferential method. Therefore, the main issue of this article is to investigate the how of the relation of the interpretation of "fath" to "ghufrani dhanb" in this verse. The result of this effort is that ghufrani dhanb is the cause and fath is its effect, and also by examining the provisions of the Hudaybiyah Treaty, it becomes clear that great political achievements have been achieved with this peace, which deserves to be called political fath. Based on this, only when the ghufrani dhanb with this political fath would be of a reasonable meaning that the dhanb and its ghufran be also understood in the field of politics and its cause and effect relationship be maintained; not that dhanb and ghufran be taken in its conventional meaning - which has lost its real meaning and blemished the radiant face of the Messenger of God.
Rostami Harani A. An Interpretative Study of Fath and Ghufran of Sins in the Verses 1 and 2 of Surah Fath with a Political Approach. مطالعات تفسیری 2023; 14 (53) : 1 URL: