In the scientific and cultural literature, the term "education" includes all the aspects and components of a process that provides the ground for the conscious and voluntary transformation of mankind. Based on the Islamic viewpoint, this concept includes all actions and measures, including correction, purification, teaching and admonition, which must be carefully and coherently organized in a single, unified goal that is the formation and sublimation of a solid monotheistic character. In response to the question of the nature of human’s movement in this educational process, the present study has considered the Holy Qur'an as the greatest source of guidance and education for human beings. By analyzing and interpreting the verses related to reasoning and thinking, and studying the element of thinking in the components of insight, the tendency and action in the Qur'anic educational verses, it has been proved that, based on the Quranic teachings, the axis of education is thinking, and there is no way but strengthening man’s thinking ability for the beginning, prevalence and institutionalization of education and guidance of humans for perfection and salvation. |