1- PHD student Azad University of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran 2- Assistant professor University of Tehran , hmirazimi@ut.ac.ir 3- Assistant professor University of Tehran
Abstract: (941 Views)
"Sarat" is one of the words of the Holy Qur'an, which mystical commentators have given many meanings to according to their mystical thought and method.This research is descriptive-analytical and according to library sources;To examine the concept of "sarat" in the verses of the Qur'an and its interpretation and interpretation from the mystical interpretations of five scholars before Ibn Arabi: Sahl ibn Abdullah Tustari, Abu Abd al-Rahman Solami, Abu Qasim Qashiri, Rashid al-Din Meibudi and Rozbahan Bagli Shirazi, as well as a brief comparison The findings of the research show that several concepts and examples have been mentioned for "Sarat" such as: guidance and happiness, establishment of servitude, knowledge of the truth, observation and revelation, general and specific calling, mystical path and conduct, and divine law.All these things;It represents the path that is in line with divine knowledge, to reach the guidance, evolution and happiness of man, which can be considered in accordance with the opinions of hadith interpretations.Ibn Arabi's opinion in some explanations of Sarat agrees with the opinion of the mystics before him, but according to the basis of existential unity, his interpretation of Sarat is applicable to all creatures and human beings, whether believers or non-believers.However, in some of his analyzes, he considers the path as a special path or Muhammadiyah path for some people.
rameh Z, Mirazimi S H, Sheikh M. Re-explanation of the meaning of "Sarat" in mystical interpretations before Ibn Arabi and its comparison with Ibn Arabi's interpretation-mystical opinion.. مطالعات تفسیری 2024; 14 (55) : 9 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2765-en.html