:: Volume 13, Issue 51 (Autumn 2022) ::
مطالعات تفسیری 2022, 13(51): 67-86 Back to browse issues page
An Exegetic Study of the Probable Conflict between the Verse "La Ikraha Fi Al-Din" and the Verse Mubahilih
Mehdi Rafiei Movahhid *
, m.rafiee@muk.ac.ir
Abstract:   (450 Views)
With the first look at the appearance of the verse "La ikraha fi al-din" compared to the verses of qital and jihadi ibtidae`i and the verses threatening non-Muslims with punishment and the verses of non-acceptance of religions other than Islam and the verse of Mubahilih, outwardly it seems probable that Islam disagrees with freedom and the right to choose and, therefore, seeks to impose belief, and this suspicion can lead to the weakening of faith and the weakness of Muslim adherence, and non-Muslims` fleeing from the religion of truth. Therefore, in this research-descriptive article, trying to repel the hidden objection, from among the conflicting verses, the verse Mubahilih has been chosen in terms of its multifacetedness, and by studying the interpretative sources and with convincing arguments, it has been determined that the verse "la ikraha" with theological-philosophical approach, emphasized the inevitability of belief, which is an internal matter, but with a political-security approach, the Mubahlah verse, while revealing the truth and verifying the reality, is trying to increase the security of the Islamic system and to raise public opinion for the rule of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and to provide Imamate after the death of the Holy Prophet (s); not that he wants to turn Christians away from their religion. Therefore, there is no conflict between these two verses.

Article number: 4
Keywords: Verse of Ikrah, Verse of Mubahilih, Theological Interpretation, Conflict of Verses.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/08/30 | Accepted: 2022/01/23 | Published: 2022/10/11

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Volume 13, Issue 51 (Autumn 2022) Back to browse issues page