The verses 52-53 of Yusof refer to one of the two parts of a happening in which a lady sought to force Yusof to agree with her sexual desire. Announcer of the sentences opposing the desire based his opposition upon negation of doing treachery secretively and human soul`s desire to evil. The one saying the sentences and the harmony of them is not clear. The paper has brought into consideration what found in Imami commentaries in the field. As is shown, some have viewed the sentences to be said by Zoleikha and the second sentence as a reason for her failing in attaining what purposed. Yet, some have viewed them to be said by Yusof and the second sentence as denoting his freedom from her desire. The paper has supported the latter view and proposed it as a norm in Imami school.
Rad A. Announcer and Harmony of the verses: »I betrayed him not in his absence …. And I free not myself … « in Imami Commentators. مطالعات تفسیری 2017; 8 (30) :91-110 URL: