1- University of Kashan , ghasempour@kashanu.ac.ir 2- University of Kashan
Abstract: (3444 Views)
Seyyed Razi and Zamakhshari are among those commented Quranic verses with a reasonable approach, the approach, however, has come from two different foundations. Zamakhshari has taken the approach on the basis of E`tezal rational principles and hermeneutics, while Seyyed Razi has founded his approach on the place of reason in Shiism and, regarding the limitations of reason, considered it only as a means in commentary. Therefore, Razi`s approach, when commenting the verses 7 and 8 of Ale Emran has led to innovation; Zamakhshar, however, has followed Mu`tazelite tradition under the two verses. The Shiite commentator`s approach in the verses 60 and 61 of Ale Emran is based upon the holy Book and tradition as well as using literature points; the Mu`tazelite scholar, however, has relied his commentary on reason and historical evidences. In addition, there may be found traces of Mu`tazelite theological thought as well as a kind of fanaticism in his comment.