1- Tehran University , mojtaba.mohammadia@gmail.com 2- Tehran University
Abstract: (4068 Views)
On the well-known view, the verses: »And warn thy tribe of near kindred«, and »So proclaim that which thou art commanded, and withdraw from the idolaters« refer to the beginning of a new stage in the Prophet`s invitation to Islam, known as period of clear invitation. On this view, therefore, the Prophet was commanded to give an end to his secret invitation and begin his clear calling. The view, however, is exposed to many objections. For instances, one may focus on traditions supporting it; these supporting traditions, in addition to their being self-contradicted, disagree with order of revealing Quranic chapters. Again, the view disagrees with the content of mentioned verses in partial, and with the content and texture of other Quranic chapters on a large scale. Considering historical and reasonable stream of Quranic chapters and verses, one may not find any relation for the two mentioned verse to signify the end of secret invitation and beginning of the apparent one. These verses have revealed after the sixth year of Be`sah and commanded the Prophet (s) to stand against difficulties and obstacles on the way of invitation.
Mohammadi M, Khoshmanesh A. A Survey of the Greatest Prophet`s Invitation on the Basis of Shu`raa 214 and Hijr 94. مطالعات تفسیری 2017; 7 (28) :47-62 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-409-en.html