Research Institute of Hawzah and University ,
Abstract: (3484 Views)
In the Quranic verses including verses 30 to 33 of Al-Baqara, the teaching of “names” to Adam, the one who God selected as caliph on earth, has been mentioned. However, according to the vague statements of the Quran and lack of necessary coherence and uniformity in commentary narrations, the commentator’s opinions are different either. Here, three different viewpoints are proposed: the first viewpoint is related to the surface meaning of teaching names and it refers to teaching the name of objects. In addition to the name of objects, the second viewpoint presents the features, accurate meanings and domain of objects in this teaching. In the third viewpoint about names, a philosophical-mystical analysis is proposed and it is interpreted beyond the illustrating realities of the natural world. Here, the first two viewpoints are strongly criticized and the third one is defensible. Meanwhile, based on some narrative evidences, we can discuss the science of names and relation of the teaching of names with forging caliphate from another aspect which is more in harmony with the structure of the verses. Based on this aspect, the names are interpretable as the common names of some specific persons from Imams and divine authorities.