1- Farabi Campus of the University of Tehran , sm.mmoqaddam@ut.ac.ir 2- Farabi Campus of the University of Tehran
Abstract: (3797 Views)
The words “life” and “narrow” are mentioned in the verses of the Quran three times and once respectively. Commentators have mentioned different ideas about semantics of the expression “narrow life” in verse 124 of Surah Ta-ha which could be divided into two general groups of hereafter life and mundane life. It seems that the expression “narrow life” cannot be interpreted merely related to hereafter life and its meanings and representations in the mundane world followed by purgatory should be investigated either. According to facts and evidences, it is understood that “narrow life” in this world does not mean deficits in the worldly blessings and favors but it means lack of tranquility and heart peace in life and this combination is a mental and emotional state in which a person is afflicted with a kind of permanent anxiety. To prove this claim, the method of Quran to Quran has been applied.
MosaviMoghadam S M, Najarzadegan F, Mahmoudpour S. An Evaluation on the Commentators’ Viewpoint about Semantics of “Narrow Life” in Verse 124 of Ta-ha. مطالعات تفسیری 2016; 7 (27) :67-88 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-355-en.html