1- Hamedan University of Medical Sciences , n_ghiasy84@yahoo.com 2- Bu-Ali Sina University
Abstract: (4370 Views)
In verse 143 of Al-Baqara, the Holy Quran has described the Islamic nation as “the Middle Nation” and also it is mentioned that this is the reason of this nation’s competency in providing testimony about people. There is controversy among the Fariqain’s commentators about whatness of “being middle” and example of “middle nation”. The Sunnis’ commentators have interpreted that “middle” means justice, goodness and moderation of Islamic nation in comparison to other nations and moderation of Islamic precepts in comparison with the precepts of Jewish and Christian religions and they have viewed all Muslims as the “middle nation” mentioned in the Quran while for some others the Sunnis are the only “middle nation”. Relying on evidences and traditions, the Imamiyah commentators have believed that the verse only refers to the infallible Imams. Having a review on the proposed viewpoints about the middle nation, the paper raises a criticism on them and finally it has been concluded that middle nation is only referred to Ahlul-Bayt who are the mediators between the prophet and people. Accordingly they enjoy the position of providing testimony against people in the resurrection day.