1- Shiraz University 2- Esfahan University , zmohebpour@yahoo.com
Abstract: (4344 Views)
Interior meaning and exterior meaning of the holy Quran, particularly its inner aspect being beyond the usual minds and of special delicacies and difficulties, is one effective subject in Quranic commentaries. Seyyed Mohammad Hosein Tabataba`i is regarded as one of those commentators of considerable view. It, therefore, has been sought in the paper to explain semantics of Quranic exterior aspect and its relation to the exterior one. Allamah has thought Quranic meanings and sciences of degrees differing based on its addressees` different level of mind. The Quranic meanings, being one based upon the other, are called interior and exterior with regard to their state of appearance and disappearance. Again, he considers interior meanings as what meant by the words with regard to different level of understanding.
Sharifani M, Muheb Pourhaqiqi Z. Analysis of Inner Aspect of the Holy Quran Based on Allamah Tabataba`i`s View. مطالعات تفسیری 2015; 6 (21) :179-192 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-289-en.html