1- Assistant professor, University of the Quran and Itrat 2- Phd of Feqhi Denominations, University of Religions and Denominations 3- AM of Nahj albalaghah, University of the Quran and Itrat , Snl27.1399@gmail.com
Abstract: (693 Views)
The Surahs of the Holy Qur'an are a connected collection of verses, each of which is proportional to the other adjacent parts in the direction of the main purpose of the Surah, the science of proportionality is one of the subjects of the Quranic sciences, which has a special place in the better understanding of the words of revelation. The present article has studied Surah Fajr with a descriptive-analytical method based on the knowledge of proportionality, although in the appearance of the Surah, various topics have been discussed, but the existence of initial oaths and then referring to the hindrances, it shows such a systematic and purposeful evolutionary course of the soul toward its mutmainah state that given no obstacles such as corruption, lack of personality stability in the individual, and lack of attention to honoring the orphan and feeding the poor, the natural and reasonable course, it would lead to fajr and victory as shown in the initial part and the end of the surah.
Javadi N, Fahami F, Nejadlabbaf S. The How of Attaining Mutma`innah Soul in Sureh Fajr on the Knowledge of Proportionality. مطالعات تفسیری 2024; 14 (56) :159-178 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2697-en.html