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:: Volume 13, Issue 52 (Winter 2022) ::
مطالعات تفسیری 2022, 13(52): 91-112 Back to browse issues page
Conceptual Interpretation of “and As-Samari has led them astray” in the Geometrical System of Surah Taha
Tahereh Estakhari , Narges Khatoon Hajian * 1, Ali Pourjawaheri
1- , nahajian106@gmail.com
Abstract:   (833 Views)
The Almighty God says in the verse 85 of Surah Taha: " and As-Samari has led them astray." The Samari story, among the many events of the people of Moses, has subtle and thoughtful references. The Qur'anic interpretation of "azalla" with a definite subject, refers to the need to be aware of the performance of opportunistic people. The question of the study is: What is the purpose of God's statement about the successful Samarian project in the absence of Moses and his people going astray? This article tries to analyze the performance of Samari`s effective function as mentioned in Taha with an analytical-argumentative and inferential method and, using library and software resources, explain it based on Qur'anic teachings. Surah Taha contains rational arguments for accepting monotheism and avoiding polytheism, and the story of Samari depicts a character with a social position and a hypocrite who uses the arguments of demagogues to achieve leadership. The findings of the research show that the key of freedom from misguidance is the constant loyalty of the people with the leader and his successor, avoiding hypocrites and knowing the image of the Samarians. The Samarian plan with three patterns: apostasy from faith to unbelief, apostasy in following Moses, Torah and Aaron succeeded in leading the people astray in the shortest possible time. By explaining the types of apostasy and the conceptual connection of "azalla" with apostasy, this research has investigated the results of the Samarian concept in the people of Moses and the Islamic nation.

Article number: 5
Keywords: Verse 85 of Taha, Theological Interpretation, Group Apostasy, the Errors of the Israelites, the Samarian Story.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/05/12 | Accepted: 2023/02/22 | Published: 2023/02/27
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Estakhari T, Hajian N K, Pourjawaheri A. Conceptual Interpretation of “and As-Samari has led them astray” in the Geometrical System of Surah Taha. مطالعات تفسیری 2022; 13 (52) : 5
URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2596-en.html

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Volume 13, Issue 52 (Winter 2022) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه علمی مطالعات تفسیری Journal of The Holy Quran And Islamic Texts
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