The heart is a part of the body that has a physical connection with the human soul and is a tool in the service of the soul to communicate with the incorporeal mind, which in the human body is done by the brain. The result of this connection either appears in human perception and cognition or as a stimulus for the action to be performed by the soul. In the first case, it causes cognition either through sensory means or is known without sensory means; But the stimulation of the intellect is also done by the rule of theoretical intellect. The present article uses a descriptive-analytical method and based librarian sources to study the verse 46 of Surah Al-Hajj: »Have they not travelled in the land, and have they heart wherewith to feel« and explain the interaction of human mind and heart in the development. One of the findings of the research is as follows: given strengthening the connection with internal and external factors, the rule of reason over the heart would increase. This movement takes place from the innate intellect that God Almighty has given to man by creating the heart, and in this case, there is no conflict between the intellect and the heart, and, in this way, the flourishing of the human soul takes place correctly.
Izadi M, Bakhshandeh Bali A, badpa A. The Interaction of Mind and Heart in the Process of Self-Flourishing in the Interpretive Study of the Verse 46 of Hajj. مطالعات تفسیری 2022; 13 (49) : 6 URL: