Verse 151 of Baqarah and the like, due to the inclusion of the philosophy of prophetic revelation, the ultimate cause of resurrection and the necessary and permanent need of human societies for the sciences of the prophets, which is not dedicated to the age of human scientific decline, has always been given special attention by commentators, theologians and scholars. The turning point of the above verse is the proposition: and teacheth you that which ye knew not, which, despite the agreement that commentators have on its conceptual interpretation, its case-based interpretation has always been controversial. The main question of the present study, which has been studied in an analytical, comparative and fundamental way and after criticizing the opinions of the fariqain commentators and choosing the most reasonable one, has tried to study the question: what is the meaningful interpretation of the above phrase? The result of this research is to convey two conceptual objecive cases: an important part of presence and acquired sciences in theoretical sciences and the feature of neglect of revelation in the field of practical reason and an ontological objective case - which includes the high existential stages of spiritual discipline and moral perfection.
Isfahani S A, Abu Torabi M. A Search in Objective Case Commentary; The Proposition: and teacheth you that which ye knew not. In the Verse 151 of Baqara. مطالعات تفسیری 2022; 12 (48) : 11 URL: