Incarnation, embodiment or representation of human action are expressions that, although their content is explicitly mentioned in verses and narrations, but the term is not found in narrative texts and verses of the Qur'an. According to the verses of the Holy Qur'an, the embodiment of deeds means that the punishment for human deeds is the inner and heavenly form of their worldly deeds, and the punishment and action have unity and objectivity. The importance of this issue can be examined in two ways; One is to respond to the doubts related to the resurrection and divine justice in the punishment of sins, and the other is its educational effect. In this way, if a person believes that his action has not been destroyed and will not be separated from him, he will take more care of his actions. This article presents the views of two contemporary commentators: Allameh Tabatabai and Allameh Fazlollah, as two representetives of proponents and opponents of the theory of the embodiment of actions. The study has been given in a comparative way and by criticizing and examining their arguments, and, ultimately, strengthens the view of Allameh Tabatabai.
emami M, hasani baferani T. An Interpretive Analysis of the Verses of the Embodiment of Human Deeds in the Commentaries of Al-Mizana and Min Wahy-i al-Qur'an. مطالعات تفسیری 2022; 12 (48) : 13 URL: