Islamic sciences in Kashan University ,
Abstract: (2210 Views)
Waiting for a savior and a better future has been known as a true and respectable idea of revealed religions. However, little considerable study has been performed on the real meaning of waiting as a Divine promise in the prophets and their followers` minds and lives. On the studies in the field, the problem of waiting as a continuous reality in the history of prophecy may be searched in the verse 81 of Aale Emran. As is understood by the verse, waiting as a religious teaching should be known an agent for spiritual growth of people to be ready in accepting better states and situations of the future. It is the fact that can be considered as one of the main causes for Divinely secret state of savior`s appearance.
Movahhedi Moheb A. Commentary of Covenant in the Holy Verse: When
Allah Made (His) Covenant with the Prophets. مطالعات تفسیری 2013; 3 (12) :7-18 URL: