Hakim Dashtaki has viewed human being as spacio-temporal being and future etrnal but not past eternal. He has proved the view by relying on the verse: Hath there come Upon man (ever) any period of time in which he was a thing unremembered? Ibn Arabi, however, views human being as both past eternal and future eternal. The article has intended to study some commenators` opinions of the verse and Dashtaki and Ibn Arabi`s proofs in the field as well. Briefly invanssing the verse, one views as Dashtaki and commentatrs view, while deep study would support exposes their view to doubt. It should be stated that what meant here by the word huduth is the one pertaining to time; that is, human being is essentially hadith but temporally qadim, non temporal. And again, what is meant here by human being is human truth, namely human rational soul and primary matter not human form.
Sharifani M. A Study of Dashtaki`s View on the Appearance of Human Being with an Emphasis on the first verse of the chapter al-Insan. مطالعات تفسیری 2019; 10 (39) :105-116 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1550-en.html