1- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , javadnasirivatan@gmail.com 2- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Abstract: (2774 Views)
In the Holy Quran, the verse 22 of the chapter Muddathir, there is found the two synonyms-like words of "abasa" and "basara". The terminologists and commentators have stated the meanings of these two words, three meanings for the former and eleven for the latter, the fact which shows their divergences. In this article, in order to clarify the meaning of these words, while referring to the lexical sources and obtaining the correct meanings of the words, the commentators' views regarding the verse are discussed. The findings of the study indicate that the most appropriate interpretation in this context for the former is to frown and for the latter is to pause and stand while thinking. The view given here, in addition to its being in agreement with context and views of some terminologists and commentators, may be taken as an argument against their being taken as synonymous.