Diversity of commentators' opinions about explanation of polytheism along with the claim that verse 221 of Al-Baqara is obsolete and discusses the subject of avoiding marriage with polytheists, has added to the difficulty of understanding this verse. According to the prevalent attitude among the Fariqain commentators about this problem, there is no problem regarding marrying the people of the book. Finally, based upon Shiite commentators and jurisprudents' viewpoint, this permission is inclined toward temporary marriage and since among the Sunni scholars temporary marriage is not permitted, permanent marriage is included. This attitude is emerged from interpretation of polytheism about the people of the book based on which we can say that polytheism has ranks and viewpoint of those commentators believing in polytheism of the people of the book and accordingly the decree of lack of permission to marry polytheist women has been expanded to the people of the book should be attributed to some of their sects, not all of the people of the book. According to the fact that the verse is claimed to be obsolescent, some of the Fariqain commentators do not accept this permission. This paper has analyzed their reasons by rejecting the mentioned claim.
Ghasempour M. Analytical and Comparative Study of Commentary of the Verse Sanctioning against Marriage with Polytheists. مطالعات تفسیری 2014; 5 (19) :25-44 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1418-en.html