There are three doubts about verse 16 of chapter Isra. To simply focus on resolving the doubts, regardless of the main purpose of the verse, not only will end up to reduction of appreciation but also will make it difficult to address the doubts. This article, while criticizing the commentators' opinions on the three doubts, has examined the relevant verses in an analytical way and has developed a different answer to these doubts. He while focusing on the main purpose of God the Almighty in this verse, has dealt with the law of annihilation of nations. It is assumed that materialism, as the main cause of annihilation of nations, first leads the society to disbelieve the message of the Prophet (PBUH) and then to violation of laws that stems from extravagant lifestyle. Leading a luxurious life will eventually result in realization of divine punishment in this world and the hereafter. As a conclusion, this research emphasizes on guiding desires and beliefs as the basis of a society's educational policies.
khavanin zadeh M H, zali ghahi E. The interpretation of verse 16th of chapter Isra:Discovering the divine purpose and resolving its doubts. مطالعات تفسیری 2020; 11 (41) :147-164 URL: