The Holy Qur'an has described the Fall of Adam (a) in various surahs. The Holy Quran in Surah al-Baqara, contrary to other surahs, refers to two cases of Adam's Fall. This duality has caused commentators analyze the two in accordance with their method and view. Harral of Sufi and Maliki commentators has viewed the second fall after Adam repentance as a symbol of his gradual degradation from the Divine proximity previously enjoyed. While, Allameh Tabataba`i, has viewed it as a part of the divine destiny for Adam`s spiritual and transcendent development to a degree higher than previous heaven so that after repentance of Adam (A) and repetition of his fall, that quality and manner of life, accompanied by some hostility to others, was changed to Divine guidance for the Prophet (A) and his generation. The paper, analyzing Allameh Tabataba`I and Hrrali`s view and concluding the views of famous commentators of Fariqain, has presented a correct analysis and showed the superiority of Allameh`s view.