:: Volume 8, Issue 30 (Summer 2017) ::
مطالعات تفسیری 2017, 8(30): 79-90 Back to browse issues page
An Exegetic Study of the Verses Dealing with the Expansion of Prophets` Knowledge of the Unseen
Esmat Nayyeri *1 , Mohammad Ebrahim Izadkhah2
1- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , nayyeri100@gmail. com
2- Qom University
Abstract:   (4495 Views)

Messengers and Imams are regarded as Divinely chosen people and, therefore, of particularities like sinlessness and knowledge of the unseen. Quranic verses of the knowledge of the unseen are of two types: some denote the knowledge limitation to God and some denote its inclusion to all beings other than God. Studying the verses of two types show lack of disagreement in the field. the former refers to God`s independent knowledge of the unseen and the latter to prophet and Imam`s God-given partial knowledge of the unseen. It should be stated that those verses negating this knowledge of the beings other than God are not absolute; they negate independent knowledge of the unseen from creatures. Surely essential knowledge of the unseen belongs only to God. This negation does not disagree with prophet or Imams knowledge of the unseen permitted by God.

Keywords: Verses of Knowledge of the Unseen, Limitation of Knowledge of the Unseen, Expansion of Knowledge of the Unseen, Prophets` Knowledge
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/06/16 | Accepted: 2016/02/10 | Published: 2017/07/9

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Volume 8, Issue 30 (Summer 2017) Back to browse issues page