:: Volume 14, Issue 54 (Summer 2024) ::
مطالعات تفسیری 2024, 14(54): 179-206 Back to browse issues page
A Study of the Verses of Asking Leave and Answering the Doubts about Hijab
Mahbubeh Musaeipour * 1, Ghasem Sadeghpur2
1- Payam Noor University , m.mousaeipour@pnu.ac.ir
2- Meybod University
Abstract:   (393 Views)
In Islam, based on the verses and traditions, there is a serious emphasis on the hijab of men and women and the complete covering of women except for the face and the two palms, but some have claimed that Islam has a minimum hijab, of course, considering the absence of absolute nudity, and relied on some preliminaries to prove it, including the verses of asking leave; that is, verses 27 to 29 and verses 58 and 59 of Surah Noor - which are related to the leave-asking to enter the house and the privacy of others - are considered to be a reason for the lack of entrance doors to houses and the absence of the ugliness of nudity in the society of that age and based on these reasons, they infer minimal hijab from the Holy Qur'an. The present research, by descriptive-analytical method, by surveying the mentioned verses and analyzing them in the context and interpretive, historical and lexical points, has tried to present the correct content and investigate and criticize the doubts and has finally reached this conclusion that asking leave to enter the house and the privacy of others is not only a justification for the said claim, but it is also a legal measure to facilitate and complete the limits of women's clothing and culture of public modesty even in the privacy of the home.
Article number: 9
Keywords: Verses of Surah Noor, Leave-Asking, Permission to Enter, women`s Cover.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/11/14 | Accepted: 2023/09/26 | Published: 2024/02/20

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Volume 14, Issue 54 (Summer 2024) Back to browse issues page