:: Volume 14, Issue 53 (spring 2023) ::
مطالعات تفسیری 2023, 14(53): 77-96 Back to browse issues page
An Exegetic Study of "W al-Muhsanatu min al-Nisa`" with an Emphasis on the Circumstances of Revelation
Ali Ahang * 1, Ahmad Karai Soltanabadi
1- , ahang@quran.ac.ir
Abstract:   (688 Views)
The verse "W al-Muhsanatu min al-Nisa` illa ma malakat aymanukum" is one of the verses that, due to mentioning certain ground of revelation, has become a place of reflection for commentators and jurisprudents. Referring to a report by Abu Saeed Khadari, the commentators link the content of the verse with Ghazwa Utas Honain, stating that the verse was revealed in the 8th year of Hijrah to exclude "Sabayayi Utas / married women captured in Ghazwa Utas" in the 8th year of Hijrah from the scope of the sanctity mentioned at the beginning of the verse. The current research, by an analytical method along with a critical approach and using library sources, has come to the conclusion that the common understanding of this noble verse is influenced by its ground of revelation, conflicts the spirit of teachings of the Holy Quran on the one hand, and with the context of the verses on the other hand. It is inconsistent. The claimed reason for its revelation also lacks proofs of authenticity, and no interpretative thought can be based on it. Therefore, rethinking the reason for the revelation of the verse and the common understanding of it is considered necessary, especially when fundamentalist and dogmatic groups such as Da`ish, Salafism, etc., present a distorted image of Islam to the world based on such an understanding.
Article number: 4
Keywords: Verse 24 of Surah Nisa`, Fiqhi Commentary, Muhsanat, Sabayayi Utas, Molki Yamin.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/09/14 | Accepted: 2023/03/14 | Published: 2023/10/10

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Volume 14, Issue 53 (spring 2023) Back to browse issues page