1- (Islamic studies) in Khoy unit of Azad University , hasan2006ir@yahoo.com 2- Islamic studies in Kashan University
Abstract: (2280 Views)
Imam Ali (a) in his speeches and letters of which some can be seen in Naj-Albalaghe, describing mutual rights and duties of governors and citizens, has always emphasized them. He knows government as an opportunity for approximating God. Imam, therefore, addresses his officials to perform political, social, economical and cultural rights of citizens and asks citizen to be loyal to their allegiance with him and help the government to attain its goals.
Golsanamlu Z, movahhidi Moheb A. Government and mutual rights of citizens and governors in Nahj Al-Balaghe. مطالعات تفسیری 2011; 2 (7) :127-152 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1624-en.html