1- Islamic Studies University , mkh3795@gmail.com 2- mashhad university of medical sciences
Abstract: (2428 Views)
Purgatory life of man and the stages following it have always occupied human mind. Some verses of Quran such as Al-muminun 100-101, Al-Imran 169-170, Ya-Sin 26-27, Al-Mu`min 11 and 46, Al-Munafiqun 10 and An-Nahl 32 clearly describe purgatory world and its properties. As is understood everlasting life of martyrs of holy wars and their rewards has been regarded as a proof for purgatory and its gifts. Furthermore, a large number of traditions, by successive hearsay, in the field has transmitted in Shiite and Sunni sources. They describe the states of good and pure servants to God, the states of the sinful and the quality of relation between this world and purgatory and its stages.