1- Hawzah Ilmiyah Qom , Khedmati70@yahoo.com 2- educational sciences in Research Institute of Hawzah and Universty
Abstract: (2344 Views)
The word purification and its derivatives have been mentioned 25 times in Quran. Purifying one`s soul is of essential effect in human salvation, Quran, therefore, has considerably attended to it. The reason why lies in the fact that without purifying human soul from deviations in religious belief, morality and behavior one never would get happiness. Having presented semantic of the word and definition of morality based on the well-known view, the paper studies three moral ways of philosophers, Divine prophets and monotheistic morality of Quran. Allameh Tabatabaie has viewed the third as the correct one in accordance to Quranic verses. He has taken it to be of the same meaning as soul purification. The ways have respectively known earthly demands, hereafter rewards and Divine approximation as the aim for one`s leaving of evils and getting goods.
Qahraminian M, Hoseinizadeh S A. An analytical study of purification
in Quran relying on Al-Mizan commentary. مطالعات تفسیری 2012; 2 (8) :9-24 URL: http://tafsir.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1610-en.html